Friday, April 4, 2014

6 months and Cherry Blossoms

Enzo turned 6 months on April 1st. I can hardly believe that he is already half a year old. I feel like he has been part of our lives forever and that he was just born yesterday all at the same time. He is developing such a sweet little personality. He seriously is the happiest most mellow baby I know. He loves looking at himself in the mirror and smiles the biggest smile when he sees himself. When he is eating something he really likes, he shows gratitude with lots of "mmmms". He also likes to grab a hold of the spoon and help guide the food to his mouth. We can no longer sit him at the table with us while we are eating unless we plan on feeding him too. I love it though as breakfast and lunch have now become this social time where we can sit and eat together. He is such a little daredevil and loves being lifted high, turned upside down, being bounced, and anything else that doesn't involve sitting still. He loves balls and rattles and is putting everything in his mouth. Alternately, he hates being left in a room alone. Car rides are for the birds and he screams from Point A to Point B. You can tell that he is a city kid that either walks or rides the tram everywhere because car rides are this foreign concept that he would like to do without. He still doesn't really take a pacifier and will not take a bottle if I am in the house. We are just so blessed with this little guy and I can't wait to see how he develops over the next 6 months.

Enzo is the "crunch master" He probably does 100 of these a day.

The eyebrow raise.

Somebody has found their toes.

His hair is finally coming in. Tummy time is not so bad after all.

Seriously love this little guy.

He is so long and outgrowing my "photo shoot" blanket.

Enzo and Dad on his first bike ride. This makes Mom a little scared.

We just had the most amazing weather last week and also heard that the Cherry Blossoms were in bloom at Amsterdam Bos so we packed up the car with our neighbor and had a picnic under the trees. It was a little messy but worth it!

Enzo feels grass for the first time.

Enzo and Clotilde. 2 weeks apart. 

Chiara getting a workout holding Enzo up.

The picnic spread.

Someone has had enough and it is time to go home. 

Meanwhile, Enzo will work on his crunches.

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