Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I can feed myself.

This week was supposed to be all about getting extra snuggles and time in with the grandparents but Felipe's mom had a horrible accident on our stairs and they had to fly back home on Monday. We've said it before and this is a reminder-we have some crazy Dutch stairs in our place. I have gotten used to them now but I always follow 2 simple rules: 1. Always have at least one hand on the handrail; 2. My butt is always touching the handrail closest to the wall. Every time I have slipped down the stairs has been because I've lost contact with the handrail. So, we are so sad that Sue got injured and we hope that the doctors in the US have some good news and that she will be on her way to a speedy recovery soon. We miss her already and hope that she is 100% when we see her at Christmas!!
The weather has been super rainy this week and this morning I was reading about various activities I could do to keep Enzo entertained. One activity mentioned serving his food "bento box" style so that he could sort the different types of food whilst feeding himself. So, today I chopped his steamed carrots and cucumber into nice little bite size pieces and made 2 little lamb meatballs perfectly sized for his mini hands. I then put each food in its own little container. I had everything neatly lined up and was ready for him to sort and explore....the first thing he did upon sitting in his chair was pick up the container with the cucumber and empty the contents onto the floor. He then dumped the carrots on the table. At this point I had to laugh-really what 10 month old baby sits down and sorts their food and then neatly places it in their mouth? Not mine for sure! Anyways, despite what I thought was a failed lunch activity actually was a success. Enzo fed himself his entire lunch today. Yes, it was extremely messy and at times there were containers, carrots, and meatballs flying but he had fun and finished most of it. Below are a few photos from our Super Sorter lunch.

The Zo-li cups are the best!!

Tiny hands at work.

I'm ignoring you. Nobody likes to be photographed while they are eating.

What shall I go for next? As you can see the meatballs went quickly.

Okay, just a quick smile for you.

I was prepared. Not too bad for the first time with no help.

I'm the strongest boy in the world.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Time flies when you are having fun they say. We must be having so much fun because I have no idea where the last 4 months have went. We had a super busy spring with a trip back to the US to visit family. It was a great time and Enzo got to catch up with both of his aunties, Grandma, Great-Grandpa, and cousins. As soon as we got back to Amsterdam, we had some good friends from San Francisco come visit and then we were off to Spain for some fun in the sun, so we thought. The temperature ended up being a little cooler than anticipated so I rocked the same cardigan and scarf almost everyday.

Lost luggage, that was also part of our trip, and unexpected weather conditions teach you how little you really do need to pack when on vacation. After Spain, we headed to Turkey for some warm weather, pool time, and quality time with our friends from Amsterdam. Enzo was teething the majority of the trip so I got extra cuddles in place of pool time. Ha.

We rented a boat for the day while in Turkey and this was our view at lunch. I'm ready to go back!

And now we have been back in Amsterdam for a little over a month now. We started going to a Baby Sensory class that Enzo is really starting to enjoy. The first two classes were spent in my lap on the verge of tears. It's been fun to watch Enzo gain confidence in a new environment and become a bit more social with the other babies. At the end of August, we will start another music class and I'm looking forward to see how Enzo reacts to that as well. I'm sure he is going to love it! He's eating all sorts of food now and it's even better if it comes straight off of mom or dad's plate. We've taken to enjoying lunch and breakfast together and it's fun watching him explore new tastes and textures. Like his papa, he is already showing a preference towards a little spice.

I love eating with a fork like mom and dad!

Enzo has also started crawling and pulling up on anything he can grab. Like all other babies, he loves cords, remote controls, phones, and laptop computers. I keep the majority of his toys in 2 gray felt boxes and his favorite activity in the morning is to empty both of the boxes. I can't wait until he has a preference to put things back into the box. He also loves bubbles so we take lots of breaks when we are out and about to stop and I blow bubbles while he giggles and tries to grab them. It's an activity that always leads to my giggling as well and people that see us probably wonder if I am actually having more fun blowing the bubbles than him.

This morning was a beautiful sunny morning and after breakfast we walked over to Museumplein to snap some photos. Since I just needed to get myself posting again, here are some unedited photos from this morning.

 What am I sitting on?

So happy.

Waiting for another bike to pass by.

What can I find next to try and put in my mouth?

Don't mess with me. Na, I'm just kidding. No really, if you touch my food you will pay.


Hmmmm...what's on the other side?