Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I can feed myself.

This week was supposed to be all about getting extra snuggles and time in with the grandparents but Felipe's mom had a horrible accident on our stairs and they had to fly back home on Monday. We've said it before and this is a reminder-we have some crazy Dutch stairs in our place. I have gotten used to them now but I always follow 2 simple rules: 1. Always have at least one hand on the handrail; 2. My butt is always touching the handrail closest to the wall. Every time I have slipped down the stairs has been because I've lost contact with the handrail. So, we are so sad that Sue got injured and we hope that the doctors in the US have some good news and that she will be on her way to a speedy recovery soon. We miss her already and hope that she is 100% when we see her at Christmas!!
The weather has been super rainy this week and this morning I was reading about various activities I could do to keep Enzo entertained. One activity mentioned serving his food "bento box" style so that he could sort the different types of food whilst feeding himself. So, today I chopped his steamed carrots and cucumber into nice little bite size pieces and made 2 little lamb meatballs perfectly sized for his mini hands. I then put each food in its own little container. I had everything neatly lined up and was ready for him to sort and explore....the first thing he did upon sitting in his chair was pick up the container with the cucumber and empty the contents onto the floor. He then dumped the carrots on the table. At this point I had to laugh-really what 10 month old baby sits down and sorts their food and then neatly places it in their mouth? Not mine for sure! Anyways, despite what I thought was a failed lunch activity actually was a success. Enzo fed himself his entire lunch today. Yes, it was extremely messy and at times there were containers, carrots, and meatballs flying but he had fun and finished most of it. Below are a few photos from our Super Sorter lunch.

The Zo-li cups are the best!!

Tiny hands at work.

I'm ignoring you. Nobody likes to be photographed while they are eating.

What shall I go for next? As you can see the meatballs went quickly.

Okay, just a quick smile for you.

I was prepared. Not too bad for the first time with no help.

I'm the strongest boy in the world.

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