Thursday, August 22, 2013

Not so "normal"

I will start this post by warning my readers that this post is all about me and the baby, so those reading to follow our exciting adventures in Amsterdam you may want to skip this post.

This week I am 33 weeks and definitely starting to feel very pregnant. Pending the weather, I may or may not be able to get my wedding ring on and by the end of the day my feet and ankles look like they are about ready to burst. Heartburn is also kicking in on a daily basis and the best remedy that I have found so far is chugging ALOT of water, which of course then sends me to the bathroom. There are all sorts of tips on what, when, and how much to eat but none of them really seem to work. I think that if you are susceptible to heartburn, you are just going to get it.

I was productive earlier this week and put together the wardrobe that we bought for Optimus. It took me about 7 hours, and wasn't without a few hiccups. In the end, I think I think it turned out fine and am happy to have that project complete. Now we just need to find a crib and smaller dresser. I've also started to wash all of the little clothes that we received while we were still in the states. It's funny at that time, I couldn't imagine this little baby inside of me growing so big to fill out all of the outfits and now I'm hoping that they still fit when he comes out!

 Not sure how stuff so little can take up so much room. I added a patterned paper to the back of the wardrobe for a little pop of "happiness" when opening the door.

Newborn onsie in relation to my belly.

Today I had my 33 week check-up at the midwife. At 31 weeks the baby had not yet turned but that was early and I was hoping he would of got the memo by this week. Well, as luck would have he is still in breech position, and growing splendidly, so the midwife wants to schedule an appointment to try and manually turn the baby next week before he gets much bigger and runs out of room. This was my first appointment where everything was not "normal" as the Dutch would say. It made me quite emotional and for the first time my loosely laid birth plan was being put in jeopardy. I've tried to be as open as possible with this pregnancy as it being my first and I know you can't plan anything. It is easy to feel that way when everything is going smoothly. I know he still has time to turn on his own but for the first time I realized I may not be able to have the Dutch natural home birth that I was hoping for. I am not comfortable with trying to deliver a breech baby naturally, even though I know some people do it, so if he doesn't turn I will most likely be having a c-section in a hospital. Again, as long as we are both healthy that is the main thing that matters but today has still been so very difficult. So here I am, sitting in a position that is supposed to help turn the baby as I type this. Let's hope it works. I guess this is also a little look into my future-I am not going to only be living with one very strong willed man, but two!!

1 comment:

  1. great to read your update. I'm cheering for you both...turn baby, turn!!!!
