Friday, November 1, 2013

Life with Enzo

My apologies in advance. First, I have not posted in a really long time and, secondly, this post will most likely be all over the place. Such is life with a baby. On October 1st, 2013, we welcomed Enzo James into this world at 8:17AM. I was a little worried about the experience since it ended up being a planned cesarean, but I couldn't of asked for a better way to welcome my sweet boy into this world. We delivered at St. Lucas Andreas via a "gentle cesarean" and the doctors and nurses were amazing. They talked me through the whole thing and when it was time to bring Enzo out, a green cloth was dropped and I was able to watch the doctor bring Enzo into this world. He would of liked to stay in there a little bit longer because as they were pulling, he was pulling in the opposite direction to get back in. Once out, they brought him to my face so I could meet him. It was magical, puffy face and all, he was the most perfect baby I had ever seen.

First look.

The pediatrician then took him, along with Felipe, to check out his vital signs and then brought him back to me while they continued to "seal" me up. Once they laid him on my chest, we didn't exactly have the "look into my eyes" bonding moment. The bright light from the other side of the curtain caught Enzo's attention and he was set on focusing in on that-probably wondering how he could get back to his warm cozy place. We spent 3 days in the hospital before we were released to come home. I think they would of liked to keep me a 4th day but I was done with the hospital room. All of the nurses and staff were wonderful but on the second night I had a roommate. I knew that I would probably be getting a roommate and was lucky to have the first night to myself. My roommate was super nice and actually had some good tips as this was her second baby but this made the night a bit stressful since I was scared that I or Enzo would wake her or her baby up. My room was also furthest from the window so lack of natural sunlight started to get to me as well. I could go on, but the bottom line is that I was ready to get home and be a family. Update-I just tried to post and lost everything but the above paragraph. Below is the abbreviated version of an entry that has been a week in the making and today Enzo turned 1 month. Hopefully, I will get this out before the end of the day.

Traditional Dutch treat. Champagne, beschuit met muisjes, and some fruit to celebrate

 Enzo sleeping peacefully in his "day of birth" outfit. I had not been told that the tradition here is to put your baby in a special outfit the day he is born so that he will look his best for visitors. Since I did not know this, and didn't have many visitors, this little green and white onesie had to do. 

Mommy, Daddy, and Enzo ready to go home.

One of the best things about having a baby in the Netherlands is the Kraamzorg. The Kraamzorg is a nurse that that specializes in helping the mother and newborn in the first week and is part of the standard health care system here in the Netherlands. Within an hour of arriving home the Kraamzorg came. Frankly, I don't know how mothers survive that first week without her. Her advice was invaluable and she was very strict to make sure that I was getting the rest I needed to recover. From the moment she walked in, after we discussed what to expect, she got busy making up Enzo's bed, cleaning bathrooms, and vacuuming. The first week, I also had the midwife visit us twice for check-ups and the consultatie bureau came to our house for the hearing test and heel prick.

 Machine used for hearing test. He passed!!

The heel prick. He was a total trooper and didn't cry.

Enzo also has gotten to meet all of his grandparents. He has been completely spoiled and we are adjusting to life without the extra set of hands.

Nonna and Enzo.

 Grandma and Enzo

Enzo getting some Vitamin D

He's getting more and more alert. 

3 generations of Zardo men. Enzo, Nonno, and Daddy

As I mentioned earlier, Enzo turned a month today. The time has flown and I can hardly believe we've had this little love that long but also don't really remember the days before he came into our lives. So far, he loves baths but hates the part where you have to get out, dry off, and get dressed. I don't blame him because I don't really like that part either. He loves looking out the window, walks outside in the pram and even more so being carried in the Ergo Baby Carrier, being cuddled, and eating. He had his month check up on Thursday and everything looked good. He now weighs 11 pounds and is 23 inches long. Needless to say, all newborn clothes have been packed away.

Enzo's first bath

Introducing him to Scrabble at a young age. 


  1. Love it, nice post, Malee. I'm about to experience my first birth, hopefully within the week, we're both ready and excited. Thanks, for sharing your personal, perfect story.

    1. Thanks for the comment! Good luck to you both-it really is such a miracle.

  2. I love reading these Malee and am super impressed you could get this out in a month. He's so cute and can already see him getting bigger. Enjoy this time and congratulations again! xo

  3. Your birth photos are amazing. Love you all!
