Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving and 2 months

This year marked our second year celebrating Thanksgiving abroad. Last year, we spent the holiday in Tokyo taking in the sites and feasting on the tastiest Kobe beef for Thanksgiving dinner. This year, with the very recent addition to our family, Felipe's parents and sister flew to Amsterdam to celebrate the holiday at our house. It's very strange celebrating a holiday abroad when you try to plan around store opening hours and then realize that everything is business as usual because it's not actually a holiday where you are. So, on Thanksgiving day, we took advantage of the Nike Factory Store friends and family coupons and went shopping. After that, we came home and started making dinner. Since our oven is super tiny and there was no way we were going to fit a turkey in it, we opted for sous-vide duck breasts, stuffing, wilted spinach, and an arugula salad with pears, walnuts, and Stilton Blue Cheese. I also baked a pumpkin pie but that was another learning experience with our oven. You would think one of these days I would learn to check my food often before the timer goes off. So, we had "Cajun style" pumpkin pie that actually looked more blackened than it tasted thank goodness. Enzo was a trooper and slept in his puppy vibrating chair while we ate.

Instead of rising early for Black Friday, we slept in and had leftover stuffing with poached eggs and pumpkin pie for breakfast. We took Enzo to his first brewery, however, we did not get to take the tour as it was fully booked. We opted to sit in the pub and have a beer instead which was just as nice.

As you can see, Enzo slept right through his first brewery/pub experience.

Saturday was a beautiful sunny day which usually means it is also quite cold. In the morning, we went to the local market and had yummy pancakes for breakfast. I opted for the one with Gruyere and Serrano Ham, delicious! After that, we took a family walk around Vondelpark and then headed up to the roof for some photos.

Not sure what we did before self timers.

Enzo with Nonna and Nonno.

Enzo snuggled in to Nonno's shoulder.

Mom and Dad trying to get Enzo to smile for the camera.

Aunt Camila and Enzo. 

Enzo also turned 2 months today. We had chocolate cake to celebrate! I really don't know where the time has gone. He is growing before our eyes and changes so much from day to day. He is such a happy baby and seems to be pretty good at going with a flow.

Relaxing with Aunt Camila in the morning 

These smiles are showing up more and more. I just love them!!

Life is hard when you are a few months old.

Sleeping on mommy's lap after a healthy meal of milk.

Let the 2 month photo shoot begin.

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