Monday, February 3, 2014

My baby is 4 months!

This weekend Enzo turned four months. I am amazed how much he has grown and how the little newborn baby that we brought home months ago is turning into this sweet, mellow, baby that seems to really like us. I'm not going to lie, I think we kind of like him too. Okay, maybe we LOVE him a lot!!

The 4 month Scrabble photo. He's quickly outgrowing his blanket.

At 4 months, Enzo still loves bath time and walks outside in the park. He still hasn't rolled over but those legs are moving and once he figures it out, we'd better be ready to chase after him. He is constantly looking around not wanting to miss a beat. We have been going to post-natal yoga and he is finally letting me get in some exercise. He loves flirting  looking around at the other babies and mommies. Enzo also loves his own mommy, and while I find it quite flattering I don't want him to turn into a total mommy's boy so we are working on him being more comfortable with others. 

I set up his travel high chair so he could sit up right at the table with us. He loves it! I also find it funny how quickly all kids learn the game of throwing their toys on the floor for us to pick up.

We had a lovely, and exhausting, trip back to the US for the holidays. We started out in Nebraska where Enzo got to meet his aunt and uncle and lots of cousins. He loved all of the attention and I think they were quite smitten with him as well. He loved his little cousin Macy and would give her lots of smiles. She was a big help with bath time and holding him while he napped. After Nebraska, we flew to San Francisco to ring in the New Year with friends. We had a great time but, of course, the stop over was way too quick and we didn't get to see everyone. Next time we hope to see those that we missed! We got photos taken while in San Francisco which turned out really good. Below are some of my favorites. Vero (check her out at shot our wedding and we were excited to see her again and have her capture our growing family. Enzo was such a trooper and the fog lifted just in time.

Our morning was spent making silly faces and noises to coax a smile out of our little man.

These little feet will not be little for ever but for now we will enjoy them.

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall...

You looking at me?

Love this city!

Enzo getting in some cuddles before we finish the shoot.


Waking up. Big yawns.

And smiles! This will count as his 3 month photo. He was one day shy.

Why is a crying baby so cute?!?!

After San Francisco, we ended our trip in Irvine at Felipe's parents' house. He got to meet his great aunt and uncle from Brazil and practice his Portuguese. The weather was unseasonably warm and dry so we soaked in as much vitamin D as possible while we were there.

Now we've been back in Amsterdam for almost a month so we are definitely adjusted. It took a few days to get back on schedule but wasn't as bad as I anticipated. We are missing all of our friends and family back home but we were happy to come home to the friends that we've made so far and it felt good to catch up.  Until next time and I promise not to wait so long! 

1 comment:

  1. those pics turned out great! beautiful pic with the city behind you. love them all! what a sweet baby...that Enzo...
